Please see my Services page, for further information on the services I offer.

My fees are based on the minimum hourly rates suggested by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading.  Information on these can be viewed here: CIEP Suggested Rates.

Seeing a sample of your work and understanding your requirements will help me to assess it and provide an individual quote. I will be happy to discuss working to your budget.

Ready for a quote?

Send me an email with some information about your project.

  • What kind of text is it? e.g. adult nonfiction book or PhD thesis.
  • How many words does it have?
  • Do you require proofreading, editing or anglicisation? Don’t worry if you’re not sure. Just describe the service you’re hoping for.
  • Would you like me to work in Microsoft Word, on PDF or on paper?
  • When does it need to be done? When would I receive it, and when must I complete it by?
  • Attach a sample. You needn’t send this with a first enquiry but I will need it before I can provide a quote. I will need to see at least 5% of your text, ideally a middle section.

I will respond as quickly as possible, and will try to provide an indication of availability together with either a quote or an estimate, within 48 hours.

I have a minimum project charge of £20.

Short jobs

For short jobs of up to 1000 words, I may be able to complete the work within 24 hours, so please ask if your project is urgent. Advance sight of the material is required. Short jobs are undertaken at a set fee of:

  • Proofreading: £20.00
  • Editing: £25.00
  • Anglicisation: £25.00


Payment is by bank transfer (BACS), by cheque (UK banks only) or by PayPal. Details will be provided on my invoice. Please let me know which method you prefer when you request a quote.

I am not VAT registered and will not add VAT to my invoice.

Please see my Terms & conditions of service for further information.